Mon 27 Jan
RTPs Premiere Premium Mature Provider Jillian Michaels FRIDAY in Wilson! ONE DAY ONLY! - 40
(Eastern NC, Greenville Wilson RTP)
New to Y0UR C!TY 3v3ryth!ng SITS PRETTY 💗D@Ng€rOuS ~ ¢uRv€s ( 5 (☆) MeGa SpEeCiAls - 22
(Eastern NC, Wilson in/out calls available)
LiFe SiZe FreAk Doll Perfect FreaK ReaDy To PLay HOuse "WhatCHA WaNt DaDDy 😙😍❤ - 24 - 24
(Eastern NC, RockyMount Wilson In& OUT Calls)
New to Y0UR C!TY 3v3ryth!ng SITS PRETTY 💗D@Ng€rOuS ~ ¢uRv€s ( 5 (☆) MeGa SpEeCiAls - 22
(Eastern NC, Wilson in/out calls available)